Thursday, October 31, 2013

10 Top Sights of Jakarta

Good morning ! Please help us with our guests this week. Can you suggest 10 Top Sights of Jakarta and maybe three DAY TRIPS (3 hours or less) from Jakarta ?? Thank you. Joe Moran and MRA team Kemang 

 ANSWER: Dear Joe, You can check our website under Travel's menu..... 

 Hope this helps! 

 JOE REPLIED: Dear fabulous WNJ staff and editor : TERIMA KASIH joe


karso said...

Hi...i am Karso and i life in south jakarta...if you need a car, please call me at 081298403274....thank you.

karso said...

Hi...i am Karso and i life in south jakarta...if you need a car, please call me at 081298403274....thank you.