Thursday, July 28, 2011


I'm looking for an adult's ceramics / pottery course in Jakarta. I've had a look myself can't find anything. Any suggestions?
Thanks, Ali

Hi Ali,

Please call Eresa at 085810106068 as one option. Another option is a bit far in Cinere but at 0217541263.

Let us know how it goes. :)


Monday, July 11, 2011

Natural disaster

Hi, we are currently living in Sydney and have just been informed by my Husband's company that they are moving us to Jakarta in 6 weeks time. I don't know much about Indonesia but always think of natural disasters when I think of it!! Are the disasters very commonplace in Jakarta? Is it a dangerous city to live? Hope to hear from u soon.
Regards, Dee

Hi Dee
Well natural disasters seem to be happening all over the world at the moment
and in Indonesia, no more than any other country that has volcanoes in the
ring of fire. It is a big country and there are often small earthquakes
reported in parts of Indonesia. Generally they do not effect Jakarta so
much, but I guess you can never say never in this day and age. I am a New
Zealander so the big earthquake in Christchurch effected many friends but my
family are not effected on the opposite coast. Indonesia is quite like

As far as is it a dangerous city to live in I would say no. As a woman I
feel very safe going out with my friends at night, getting a taxi home at
night. Walking around my neighborhood is busy but safe. The people in
Indonesia are lovely and once you get to know them will do anything to help.
Of course there is petty theft etc but that is probably far less than other
big cities around the world.

The media has a lot to answer for when reporting on Indonesia as usually
they give it a bad wrap. To be honest I feel much safer here than at home
now and one reason I think the crime like random rapes, muggings and
beatings are much less (almost non-existent amoung the expat community) is
being a Muslim country there are not the drunk people on the streets who
will pick a fight for no reason like at home.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised when you arrive. Common sense when
it comes to looking after your valuables but overall I personally feel very
safe in Jakarta.

Kelly & lara