Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Where to buy gluten free products?


Do you know where I can find gluten free products in Jakarta?



Hi Nicole,

For Gluten Free shopping needs here are the stores I suggest/recommend in Jakarta:

Club Store/Grand Lucky
Kawasan Niaga Terpadu Sudirman (SCBD)
Jl Jend Sudirman Kav. 52-53
515-5232 / 515-3554

Ranch Market(s) located throughout the city. For location nearest you please visit:
http://www.ranchmarket.co.id or http://www.ranchmarket.co.id/about-ranch-market/our-stores/

Kem Chicks
Jl Kemang Raya No 3-5
7179-0065 / 7179-3514

Or Kem Chicks at Pacific Place Mall basement (SCBD)
Jl Jendral Sudirman No 52-53
For Gluten free shopping needs in Singapore:

Gourmet World in Kemang (above Ranch Market) and Koi in Kemang can create a gluten free meal for you but ask to speak to the chef first.

Brown Rice Paradise
163 Tanglin Road, Tanglin mall #02-35
Tel: +65 6738 1121

55 Siglap Road, #02-18 Siglap Centre
Tel: +65 6448 6770

Gluten free food is quite expensive here so I would suggest you bring some of your harder to find or costly food items from your home country. There are no gluten free breads here in Jakarta that I am aware of but you can pick up a variety of flours at Kem Chicks or Grand Lucky and make your own. Brown Rice Paradise in Singapore has a vast variety of items including breads in the frozen food section so if you are planning a trip over, stop by and do some shopping there.

If you have facebook, why not like and follow us at our gluten free page at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jakarta-Gluten-Free/289954837700673 ? We are a new page and hope to share with the rest of the local community anything gluten free including grocery shopping tips, gluten free recipes (with ingredients we can get here), dining out/restaurants, etc.

Hope this information is useful and that you will remember to keep us in the loop as well.


Anonymous said...

Leonardo Poedjirahardjo
Jl. Bandengan Utara 81 no A. 16.
Jakarta 14440, Indonesia
Phone : 021-70131825
Hp : 081-65432-649
Fax : 021-66602052
Email : kwankwoliang@yahoo.com

Dengan hormat,

Dengan ini kami memberitahukan bahwa kami menjual roti beras kering “N_asiKriuk Debbie” yang di luar negeri disebut “rice cake”. Salah satu makanan gluten-free yang banyak di jual di luar negeri untuk orang orang yang mengharuskan diet-nya bebas gluten.

N_asiKriuk Debbie bisa dipesan langsung atau dapat dijumpai di Jakarta:
- Supermarket Rezeki – Jl. Hayam Wuruk; Ph: 021-3800182
- Toko Buat Total-Taman Palem Lestari; Ph: 021-5454545
- Club Sehat Jl. Cideng Barat 62B; Ph: 021-91263363
- Club Sehat Jl. Pluit Sakti Raya 33; Ph: 021-91300234
Atau dipesan melalui on line shop: Sentra Camilan Nusantara,

Hormat kami,

Leonardo Poedjirahardjo

Dear Sir / Madam,

We are selling gluten-free rice cake “N_asiKriuk Debbie”.

This rice cake can be ordered directly from us or can be found in some stores in Jakarta:
- Supermarket Rezeki – Jl. Hayam Wuruk; Ph: 021-3800182
- Toko Buat Total-Taman Palem Lestari; Ph: 021-5454545
- Club Sehat Jl. Cideng Barat 62B; Ph: 021-91263363
- Club Sehat Jl. Pluit Sakti Raya 33; Ph: 021-91300234
Atau dipesan melalui on line shop: Sentra Camilan Nusantara,

Yours Sincerely,

Leonardo Poedjirahardjo

Beyond Treats said...

Allergen-Free Bakeshop in Jakarta.
Hello, we are Beyond Treats, a bakeshop located in Kelapa Gading - Jakarta. We deliver! :-)

Beyond Treats raised from the idea of making safe snacks for people with food allergies or intolerances and special diet such as Gluten Free, Casein Free, Sugar Free and/or Vegan. The goal is making these safe and healthy treats without compromising the taste. Crunchy when they should be crunchy, moist when they should be moist. Sweet and yummy as any traditionally made treats.
Phone: +62 21 450 0201
Mobile: +62 819 3200 6277 (cp: Leonnie F Merinsca)

Website: www.beyondtreats.com
E-mail: order@beyondtreats.com

Twitter: @beyondtreats
Facebook: beyondtreats.bakeshop
Facebook Page: beyondtreats