Sunday, May 22, 2011

Transfer old videos

Hello Ladies, Can anyone tell me where about in Jakarta I can get old vhs video's transfered on to cd's, I know another person who is looking for somewhere to get this done as vhs don't last long in this climate.
Thanks Helen

Sorry for the delay in replying Helen. Ratu Plaza is the place to go. I was there yesterday and many of the gaming outlets will do it but the place we buy the kids playstation games called “Blessed Games” definitely does it. They’ll convert almost all formats eg. vhs, mini video, video 8 etc to VCD or DVD.
Cost is Rp100,000 per DVD which can take up to 2 hours of video. (if you have several shorter VHS’ the an fit onto 1 DVD for you at same cost.) Takes about days for them to convert. Maybe longer if you have many to convert.
Good luck.
Kelly & Lara

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