Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Jakarta Yoga Questions

Hi, I'm new to Jakarta and I'm looking to get involved with a Yoga Studio, any kind of Yoga will do.  I like really nice studios, so I'd prefer if they were mid to upper end studios.

Also, I'm looking for ways/forums/web sites to find Yoga retreats around Indonesia.  I want to see as much of Indonesia as I can while I live here, and I like to do that while pairing my yoga hobby.  If the retreat can offer surfing as well, and a complete health and lifestyle theme - even better.  I've found one through and their facebook  page "Mahi-Mahi Surf Resort - Simeulue Island" that looks good, but before I book I wanted to ask, has anyone visited Simeulue or Mahi-Mahi Surf Resort?  Thanks for all your help!  Hope I can get some good insight into Indonesia and Jakarta yoga!


Hi Nathan,

Welcome to Jakarta!

Unfortunately I have not been nor knew anyone who has been to mahi mahi resort Island.
But I do go to yoga regularly, there is a lot of yoga studious in Jakarta so it really depends on where you live.

I myself live in South Jakarta so I can recommend you my favorite yoga studio which is Bikram 42. They offer different classes like anti gravity, hot barre, hot yoga etc. They have 2 locations one in in Kemang Lippo mall and one is in Senayan
Their website is It is middle-upper class. I love their organic kitchen too. (at least the one in Lippo mall Kemang)

And the other one is SOUL BOX which is located in SCBD area.
This is middle and upper class more on leaning towards upper class. Very nice studio.

From these 2 places I am sure you will meet a lot of yogis and instructors who could recommend or introduce more communities to you.

Good luck and Namaste. :)
